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AcrossRCA - Art Therapy

'Bring yourself to a moment in time when you felt at peace, or joy, or content.

A moment in time with a loved one.

Fragments of childhood that you reminisce in the current.


Or a time you were able to allow yourself to simply be, disconnected from the banality of the everyday,

A desire to retreat to the mountains of the Himalayas to watch over the horizon and feel the cold air graze your countenance.


Or standing by the shore by honopu beach, allowing the waves wash away the worries that cling onto your being, think about the taste of the salt on your lips as you are being cleansed....'


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'AcrossRCA - The Safe Space' is an online platform to grant visitors accessibility to our mission : Destroying the barriers of empathy and self-care Pain actively limits through promoting the act of making as tool integrated to your everyday schedule to manage emotion and stress.


As a collective, we ran workshops to begin introducing ways of utilising everyday material to the public and encourage creating a community to join our journey developing on the works and have others build on our works. 

Our Mission

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Join in
the Discussion!

We want to create a platform to allow Artists and the Public to share resources and join in a community where the simple act of intertwining material brings us all together

Our Workshops

We hosted an Installation workshop that curates a safe space,  not only through the transformation of the space - but through the connections made between our collective and participants alike.


The Workshops, Progresses / Developments, Research and Thoughts are readily available on our blog.

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Share Your work

We loved seeing the individual outcomes of each participant as not only during their workshop they found comfort in new found coping mechanisms via painting, but the outcomes told sentimental stories off childhood ignorance and wanting to be by nature.


We want to continue encouraging others to make beyond the workshop, so you can share your thoughts or Art work on the website.


Alternatively we invite people to contribute images from workshops or art made in relation to the struggles of having a body into our online Collaborative Showcase

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